A bit about who we are and what we do….
The Mind Post has been created to help children and adults who are coping with anxiety. It’s also here to help spread positivity to anyone and everyone with all of our positivity products. Our positivity products are for everyone to use! We have our Positivity Post Box which is available in 3 sizes and contains self care items that are changed every month. This can be bought as a one off or a subscription. We also have notepads, postcards and more.
Browse our positivity products
When anxiety hits, it can be completely consuming and terrifying. It takes over your life and stops you doing the things that you enjoy. To feel constantly anxious is not a nice feeling, always worrying and thinking about what is ahead, the ‘what ifs’ and the preparation for the worst case scenario.
With Society creating more pressures, its no surprise that more and more people are suffering with anxiety. We want to help change that! Waiting lists are growing, which means that people are waiting longer to receive the help that they need. Our aim is for our boxes to teach adults and children about the anxious feeling that they are experiencing and help them learn new ways of coping and dealing with their symptoms.

You are good enough….
Unfortunately, anxiety is becoming more and more of a problem in society today and I believe it’s down to the fully focused social media world that we live in. We are often left feeling that our lives aren’t good enough, that our looks aren’t good enough and we lose the confidence to be ourselves. Media coverage shows ‘perfect’ people with the ‘perfect’ bodies living their ‘perfect’ lives and we are tricked into believing it. However, it’s not real and everybody, no matter how ‘perfect’ we think they are, has problems in their lives and doesn’t love a certain part of their own bodies. We need to learn to love ourselves, stop comparing ourselves and be happy with who we are. Remember, there is only one you and you are loved by everyone that knows you. They don’t want you to be anyone else.
More information
Follow the links below for more tips and advice on living and dealing with anxiety….
NHS – Anxiety in children
Children who struggle with anxiety can become withdrawn and lose confidence in themselves. They may not be able to describe exactly what is wrong with them. The cause of anxiety in children can depend on their age. Older children are more likely to struggle with social anxiety.
Mind – Anxiety and panic attacks
Panic attacks can feel very scary, you may struggle to breathe, have a fast heart rate and feel really shaky. You may also feel as though you are losing control. Try and concentrate on your senses, what can you see, hear, taste, feel and smell?
Rethink – Anxiety disorders
Being nervous or anxious about a job interview or an exam is perfectly normal and the majority of people in your position will feel the same. Anxiety becomes an issue when it takes over your life and stops you doing things that you enjoy.

Young Minds – Anxiety
Anxiety is common problem for people today. It is a feeling of fear or panic, like something bad is going to happen. You may also experience heart palpitations, dizziness, tiredness and many other symptoms which can be found by following the link below.

A little extra….
As well as our blogs, podcasts and shop, we wanted to be able to offer you something else. Below, are some worksheets for the kids to work through, each one is designed to help children learn more about anxiety.
We create worksheets for some of our boxes. Here are a few examples that are available for you to print out and work through. We hope they help! The good news is that they are free!
Changes WorksheetDealing with AnxietyGratitude worksheetCustomers reviews
Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our customers think
Fantastic idea and great work. Love it.
Order for my 9 year old daughter who is quite a worrier and struggles with anxiety. The box arrived today and she was so happy with it! She sat and read through each of the cards and loved each of the ideas, especially the worry dolls. Sharing something with them (and me) straight away. Something which I would’ve probably never had known. Thank you so much we both look forward to using the resources.
This will be so useful indeed for me at work, and will be well used.
Our Team
I believe it’s hard to know who you are buying from on the internet and sometimes it can put you off. Reading a bit about someone, allows you to get to know them a little.

Amy Walton
I am Amy, I developed The Mind Post because our son became extremely anxious when he started secondary school. After struggling with anxiety myself, I was able to spot the symptoms straight the way. We got touch with a counsellor but, unfortunately, it wasn’t enough.
I made my first anxiety toolbox to help him and then decided that it would be great if other children could benefit in the same way. Slowly, I developed more products to help adults and children.

Social Media
You can follow us on social media. We regularly post advice, motivational quotes and product information.
Facebook: The Mind PostInstagram: themind_postWays to contact us
As well as through social media, we also have a contact form at the bottom of this page or you can email us at
amy@themindpost.co.ukFurther information
We have added links to other useful websites. These have lots of supportive information and advice for anyone struggling with anxiety.
Useful LinksContact us
Get in touch, we’d love to hear from you!